

Who is Øracle?

Producing bass heavy EDM, Øracle is my DJ alter ego. Focused on shaking the foundations of whatever venue I am in, my music is inspired by the likes of Rezz, Subtronics, Excision, AlleyCVT and Chase&Status among many others.

Incorporating my love for cinema, most of my music and livesets are inspired by storytelling and use samples from film and television.

BANG BANG (SHØT ME DØWN) samples the Nancy Sinatra song of the same name, which I was inspired to create while watching Kill Bill.

PALE BLUE DØT samples Carl Sagan’s iconic soliloquy from the famous Voyageur II photo of our “…Mote of dust, suspended in a sun beam…”

My most recent liveset took inspiration from Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2. Music and transitions using samples from Quentin Tarantino’s 2003 & 2004 volumetric masterpiece to create a deeply rich and fulfilling liveset that is unique to Øracle.


For DJ bookings please fill out the form below and I will get back to you.